Monday, September 21, 2009

One of the Good Ones: The Informant!

Steven Soderberg, Matt Damon, and almost every funny "that guy" bring a really interesting story to a pretty uninteresting September.

I like this movie. I didn't know much about it besides having my curiosity peaked by the bright orange billboard ads that I see for it when I'm driving home. I figured I was signing up for a Soderberg stylized corporate espionage film--and I was but I left feeling I had been given much more. A well presented character piece centered around Damen packing on some more poundage to pull off the Mid-West look. Like all great characters he only gets more interesting as the movie continues and the corporate plot-line is handled so well that it never interferes with learning more about the curious lead.

Informant does a good job of raising some interesting questions: Can you believe in integrity and be dishonest at the same time? What is the ultimate burden of a split life? Can Scott Backula actually act?

I'd say it's certainly one of the good ones. Maybe not one you need to see right now but the after theater conversation on this movie could be pretty enlightening.

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